What people are saying
“The 7th year program was life-changing for me. As a bi-vocational executive pastor with responsibilities to help lead a large congregation and also in managing my own business, not to mention family priorities, I found that life can get quite busy and hectic sometimes. My time in the 7th year program has helped me to develop accountable relationships to ensure that I maintain the appropriate balance of when to work and when to stop and how to include my relationship with God in everything I do and in every moment of the day. I have adopted many spiritual disciplines that have enhanced my walk with Christ on a level that impacts not only me, but also the people that I lead. My one-on-one sessions with Dr Barry where always insightful and yet challenging in terms of pushing me to think outside of my normal box. It gave attention to my blind spots. One of the best habits that I have adopted is the habit of my intentional awareness of Gods ongoing presence. It has allowed me to take walks with God, to go on rides with God, and to even sit in silence and enjoy every moment of it and God’s presence. This was more than a program for me but the establishment of a lifelong relationship and Mentor. I believe this is something that every Christian leader should take the time to participate in.”
“Being mentored by Alicia and given the path she set before us has been one of the greatest privileges of my Christian walk. God directed me to take a Sabbath year to coincide with the7thyear and that coupled together has been beautiful. Brutal at times, but beautiful! Alicia, by being fully her, gave me permission to be fully me. I leave this year living in the plural, knowing that Jesus is my greatest reward and that God is enough. There’s so much, but that is my nutshell.“
“The 7th Year became a compass that continually pointed me back to Jesus in the midst of a turbulent year of transition, relocation and major life decisions. Reflecting on the experience, I am not certain how well I would have navigated such a year without being continually mentored by Jesus, through the guidance of Dr. Alicia. I am so thankful for the opportunity to walk through The 7th Year.”
“When I first made the decision to undergo the mentoring process, I had no idea the growth and the tangible change I would see take place. I can truly say that from a year ago, my walk with the Lord has completely changed and my relationship with God has been truly transformed. I am beloved by God and have a deep well of plural living to be my foundation for the many years of fruitful ministry to come.“
“Foundational and empowering as the 7th year helped me build intentionality in my pursuit of him through a lifestyle of regular prayer retreats, readings, rest and reflections so that I can live and serve from a place of overflow.“
“My 7th Year experience has forever changed the trajectory of my life! Before the 7th year, I was hyper focused on what I was called to DO for Jesus” – now I know I had it all wrong! Abba has revealed his great love and delight for me in this season and has affirmed that He just wants me to BE WITH Him instead. I have been set free from the “should’s” that have kept me bound and exhausted — I am now free to just BE with Jesus! Sweet freedom and joy unspeakable indeed!”
“Learning how to be increasingly more aware of Jesus with the added assurance that He is always with me, equally, in every moment. Exposure to different material. Tools to carry forward, the 8th Year because the journey continues. Dr Alicia’s lived experiences which she shares from. New friends who understand this particular journey.“
“The 7th Year fundamentally changed my life because of Alicia’s love and leadership and the intentionality of the material.”
“It was a year of reflection, breaking, and recalibrating. God took me deeper into understanding some of my wrong views of Him and wrong views of myself. He revealed cracks in my foundation and helped me become more fully grounded in Him. I look forward to how He will build on that foundation in years to come.”
“…exactly what my heart was needing. I learned about myself and experienced God in new ways. It felt like a breath of fresh air to my soul.”
“It is with great confidence that I recommend going after this. It’s a safe place…Barry knows how to ask the right questions, when to push, and when to sit back. It’s been a huge asset in my life.”
“A transformative experience in my life….Alicia discerns exactly where you are in your spiritual journey, and then gently, yet incisively, leads you into a better, more transformative relationship with Jesus…I have a deeper intimacy with God and also a deeper knowledge of exactly who I am in God.”
“It has left me a completely different person, not only individually but also as a leader. I love, I live, I lead differently because of my time with Alicia and the Mentoring Encounter.”
“The mentoring journey with Barry was a thoughtful experience allowing me to reflect on God and what His word means and how it applies to me. Barry is a guide, mentor, and friend through the journey of experiencing and knowing God on a different level.”
“Barry didn’t give me advice, but wisdom, wisdom that came from listening to my life and listening to the Spirit. Each part of my life was of interest to him and shaped by him, and his Christ-like presence, prayer, and example brought me closer to Jesus.”
“An answer to prayer for me. Every component of it has enriched my life….beyond measure.”
“The Men’s Mentoring Encounter challenged my perspective on life, work, family, etc. The year was about growing and being open and transparent in a way I’ve never been before.”
“The 7th Year Mentoring Encounter gave incredible clarity, answered deep questions I had, and opened my eyes to hurts I had buried.”